Social Media Management

Keep in touch with customers everywhere.

Grow your business
through Facebook

Let’s start with one simple fact: your business needs a social media presence.
It doesn’t matter if you run a small local shop or a big national company. Social media is more than just a trend. It is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy, which is why you need a professional team to manage it for you.

Here's how we can help.

Social Media Post Designs

Build brand awareness


Increase overall awareness for your brand by showing Facebook Ads to people who are more likely to pay attention to them.

Stay top of mind.

Get more people to follow your Page or engage with your posts through comments, shares and likes.

Reach more people


We will help you reach more people organically as well as through paid Facebook Ads.

Create amazing visuals


Connect with your customers by showcasing your business through beautiful branded images.

Compare SMM Plans.

We have a plan available to suit all budgets. With us, there are no hidden costs and no surprises!


R3 600

(Billed Monthly)

1 Social media platform
3 Posts per week
Content creation
Monthly strategy call
No report
Minimum contract duration- 6 months



R4 750

(Billed  Monthly)

1 Social media platform
5 Posts per week
Content creation
Monthly strategy call
Monthly analytics report
Minimum contract duration- 6 months


R8 500

(Billed Monthly)

2 Social media platforms
6 or 7 Posts per week
Content creation
Weekly strategy call
Monthly analytics month
Minimum contract duration- 6 months


Let's talk about your next project.